By Mike Fitz Gerald on September 14, 2010
Cleaners working for Local Governments in Western Australia have very flexible working hours as prescribed by the Municipal Employees (WA) Award 1999. They can be rostered to work ordinary hours at any time of the day or night on any five days in seven at ordinary rates of pay. The only exception to this is for ordinary hours that they are rostered to work on a Saturday or a Sunday, when a special loading applies.
It is important to get these payments correct to avoid the possibility of claims for back pay when suddenly you discover that you have been doing it wrong over an extended period of time.
Join our discussion and post your comments on our Bulletin Board
Posted in Award Interpretations, Employee Benefits | Tagged Casual Cleraners, Weekend Penalty Rates |
By Mike Fitz Gerald on September 10, 2010
A common question that is asked of us is “what entitlements do part time employees have to public holidays, particularly when the part time employee does not usually work on Mondays and the Public Holidays fall on Mondays?” These entitlements vary from Award to Award, some Awards prescribing pro rata entitlements to public holidays for part timers and some Awards prescribing the same entitlements for part timers as for full timers. In the case of the Local Government Officers’ (WA) Interim Award 2011 the entitlement to public holidays for part time employees appears to be the same as it is for full time employees.
It is important to get these entitlements right for all employees and we can assist employers to do so any time. Please contact us any time you may have a query in respect to this or any other employment relationship matter you are dealing with.
Join our discussion and post your comments on our Bulletin Board.
Posted in Award Interpretations, Employee Benefits | Tagged Part time Employees, Public Holidays |
By Mike Fitz Gerald on August 14, 2010
It occurs to me that if you uncover one or a series of shortcomings in a job applicant from their referees whilst reference checking; and you take the applicant to task about these shortcomings prior to appointing him to the position; and worse still you confirm the discussion about the shortcomings in the letter of appointment, then you may have created a monster for yourself. Why? You may well ask!
Continue reading “Reference Checking – A Double Edged Sword”
Posted in Recruitment Selection | Tagged Referees, Reference Checks |
By Mike Fitz Gerald on August 13, 2010

Paid parental leave becomes a reality in Australia from 1 January 2011 as a result of the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 (“the Act”), which was passed in the Commonwealth Parliament on 17 June 2010 and received Royal Assent on 14 July 2010. Continue reading “Employer Responsibilities for Paid Parental Leave Payments”
Posted in Employee Benefits | Tagged Paid Parental Leave, Parental Leave |
By Mike Fitz Gerald on August 11, 2010
QUESTION: We currently have an employee who has a contract minimum of two days at the shire at 7.6 hours per day. His hours fluctuate every fortnight as he also is contracted to 3 other Shires. If he wants to take Long Service Leave will he be paid at his standard contract hours, or a medium of his current working hours? Continue reading “Payments to Part Timers on Long Service Leave (Local Government)”
Posted in Long Service Leave | Tagged Local Government, Long Service Leave, Part Time Payments |